Concours Géza Anda
Registration Periodclosed
International Piano Competition
Mayor of the City of Zurich
President of the Swiss Conference of Cantonal Ministers of Education
Member of the Government Council of the Canton of Zurich and Head of the Department of Education
Das Jahr 2021 stand ganz im Zeichen des 100. Geburtstags von Géza Anda. Finden Sie hier eine Rückschau auf die verschiedenen Events wie den 15. Concours Géza Anda, die Klaviernacht zu seinen Ehren in Zürich sowie verschiedene Konzerte und Publikationen”

Jury 2021
The Jury

2021 marks the year of Géza Anda’s 100th birthday and the 15th edition of the International Piano Competition.
The schedule and essential information on the Concours Géza Anda in 2021 can be found here.
Application for the 15th Concours Géza Anda – 27 May to 5 June 2021
Applications must be made by 31 January 2021 via www.geza-anda.ch
Please note:
This application only becomes valid after payment of the registration fee of 300 Swiss Francs
to Privatbank IHAG Zürich AG, Bleicherweg 18, CH-8002 Zurich
Account: Nr. 11562561.2002 in the name of Géza Anda Foundation, Bleicherweg 18, CH-8002 Zurich/Switzerland
IBAN CH12 0852 8115 6256 1200 2
Ref: Concours Géza Anda 2021
Concours Géza Anda
Bleicherweg 18
CH-8002 Zurich
Phone +41 44 205 14 23
Fax +41 44 205 14 29
The candidate must play the following works from the repertoire list and the list of compulsory pieces:
1st part
D. Scarlatti: One of the sonatas
J. S. Bach: One movement from one partita at own choice
2nd part
W. A. Mozart: One of the sonatas
L. van Beethoven: One of the sonatas
3rd part
F. Chopin: One of the etudes
F. Liszt: One of the etudes
This programme will be agreed between the Jury and the candidate, based on the selection of works from the repertoire list and the list of compulsory pieces that the candidate submitted with their application. The recital programme must be in the following order:
1st part
A complete sonata from the list, by either Beethoven, Brahms, Chopin, Liszt or Schubert.
2nd part
A work or compilation of several works from the list.
3rd part
A work of the candidate’s free choice, which does not need to be from the list.
The Semi-finalists have to play one of the following Mozart piano concerti:
No. 9 in E flat major, K. 271 (Jeunehomme)
No. 20 in D minor, K. 466
No. 25 in C major, K. 503
No. 27 in B flat major, K. 595
For the Final Round, the finalists are asked to prepare works by different composers from the four groups mentioned below, either two works (selection from groups 1 and 2) or three works (selection from group 1, 3 or 4 or group 2, 3 or 4). Groups 3 and 4 cannot be combined.
1. ) B. Bartók
No. 1, Sz 83 / BB 91
No. 2, Sz 95 /BB 101
No. 3, Sz 119 / BB 127
2. ) L. van Beethoven
No. 4 in G major, Op. 58
No. 5 in E-flat major, Op. 73
3. ) F. Liszt
Piano concerto No. 1 in E-flat major, S. 124
to combine with
Totentanz, S. 126 (Danse macabre)
Fantasia on Hungarian Folk melodies, S. 123 for piano and orchestra
E. von Dohnányi: Variations on a Nursery Tune in C major, Op. 25 for piano and orchestra (1914)
4. ) F. Liszt
Piano concerto No. 2 in A major, S. 125
to combine with
Totentanz, S. 126 (Danse macabre)
Fantasia on Hungarian Folk melodies, S. 123 for piano and orchestra
E. von Dohnányi: Variations on a Nursery Tune in C major, Op. 25 for piano and orchestra (1914)
Special Prizes
Liszt-Bartók Special Prize
This prize rewards the candidates best interpretation of a work by F. Liszt or B. Bartók. It will consist of the sum of CHF 10,000 .- .
Mozart Prize of the Musikkollegium Winterthur
The Jury, in consultation with the Musikkollegium Winterthur, will award the Mozart Prize to the semi-finalist whom they consider to have given the best Mozart interpretation during the Mozart Round of the Concours Géza Anda 2021. The Mozart Prize, sponsored by the Musikkollegium Winterthur, consists of a concert accompanied by the orchestra and the sum of CHF 6,000.- .
Géza Anda Audience Prize
This Prize rewards the finalist whose personal and musical character makes the greatest impression on the concert audience. Please note: in contrast to the awards made by the Jury – which bases its decision on all four Rounds of the Competition – the Audience Prize is awarded solely on the basis of the Final Concert in the Zurich Tonhalle on 5 June 2021. The Audience Prize is sponsored by Privatbank IHAG Zürich AG. It provides the winner with the chance to perform in a concert.
Hortense Anda-Bührle Special Price
The Géza Anda Foundation will award the Hortense Anda-Bührle Special Prize to one of the young participants for a performance of outstanding artistic merit during the Competition. The Prize will consist of the sum of CHF 3,000.- .